尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!

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配方独特 选料上乘 工艺精湛 疗效显著
Unique formula, superior herbs, perfect craftsmanship and significant efficacy

      “配方独特、选料上乘、工艺精湛、疗效显著”是尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏的制药特色,也是历代尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏人对药品质量的郑重承诺和不懈追求。
Tongrentang’s characteristics for processing medicine is “unique formula, superior herbs, perfect craftsmanship and significant efficacy”, which is also solemn commitment and relentless pursuit of Tongrentang people for medicines quality in its history.

      配方独特:尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏的处方大多来源于乐家祖传、民间验方、古方及宫廷秘方,经过不断收集、整理、优化,形成了尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏特色的配方,《尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏传统配本》是其代表作。
Unique formula: most Tongrentang’s formula prescriptions are handed from Yue family, folk proved recipes, traditional medical recipes and imperial secret recipes, composed of Tongrentang’s special prescription through constant collection, organization and optimization. The book TRT Traditional Medicine Matching is the representative.

      选料上乘:尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏遵循古训和清宫制药标准,制定了高于国家质量标准的企业标准,采用“采其地、用其时”和“上等、纯洁、地道”的药材,确保了选料、投料一流。
Superior herbs: Following old adages and pharmaceutical standards from Qing Imperial Palace, Tongrentang sets its own standards stricter than the national quality standards. Tongrentang uses Medicinal Materials “selected from their origins and in right season” which are “superior, pure and authentic” to ensure first-rate quality of selected and charged Medicinal Materials.

      工艺精湛:遵照古训,尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏依法炮制修合,前处理环节的20个工序50 多种加工方法沿用至今,并与现代制药技术相结合,确保了尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏制药工艺精深精良。
Perfect craftsmanship: Tongrentang follows old adages to process Medicinal Materials. Over 50 processing methods in 20 procedures during the early processing has been used since ancient time, and are integrated with modern pharmaceutical technologies to ensure them to be perfect.

      疗效显著:尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏历来注重药品疗效,不仅悉心钻研处方配伍、精选用料、精益制造,更是把药品疗效作为尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏质量观的核心要求,用有疗效的药品实现“济世养生”的价值观。
Significant efficacy: Tongrentang always focuses on medicines efficacy. It not only carefully studies the formula prescriptions, selects superior herbs, and manufactures perfect medicines, but also regards efficacy as core requirement of its quality value. Tongrentang uses effective medicines to achieve the value of “doing good to society and keeping people healthy”.

